AI in a nutshell
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Neurons are computatonals Units of Cognition.
They are inspired by biological Neurons like the ones in the Human brain.
The human brain tries to learn prototypes of classes and learn the class mean, analogusly in a computer
Prototypes can be interpreted as means .
It is more advanced and better than the Protypes Method, because it uses a learning rate and a Error Function to learn.
Algo Overview:
The Actual Algo:
What makes this so Powerful, is :
Applications : Handwritten Digit Recogition, Classification, Automatic character recognition
Kinda like PCA, but it focuses on maximizing the class seperability among known categories
LDA Creates a new Axis and maps the data to the new Axis, while minimizing Between class variance-> by maximizing mean Distance between both classes and minimize in class vriance
We Do this by maximizing the Fisiher Criterion and setting the derivative to 0!.
If we Compare NNC and LDA on the same Dataset, we can see that LDA seperates the Classes better than NNC.
LDA Maximizes the difference Between the classes
LDA Minizies the differen INSIDE the classes!
LDA Algo:
Applications : Brain Computer Interface,
If data is Guassion with equal class covariances, then LDA is the optimal classifier.
Cross Validation is a method of measuring the performance of an Classification Algorithm. Instead of using the whole dataset, we train the data only on one part of the data. Then we train the model on another disjunkt part of the data.
Repeat this process on different folds(disjunkt Sets) and calculate the average of the performance on those disjunkt folds.
Cross Validation Algo
Applications of Ridge Regression: Stock Predictiom based on basis of company performance measures and economic data, predict crop production from weather variables, control robotic arm with electric activity measued on the arm,
Regression for Datapoints in finite Label Space( Regression had Infinite possible Labes, now its Limited Again by a certain amount of classes that can be predicted)
Applications : Myoelectric Control of Prostheses, Mind Controlled Robot Arms!
Example of an One layer Network
As you can see, it only has 1 Layer of Input Nods, x1-x4, which all go into 1 Evaluation/Activation function which generates Label Y.
One-Layerd Neural Networks arenot powerful enough to solve non linear Problems,like :
Solution to Label non Linear Problems/Data?
"Normal" neural Networks usually have one or two hidden layers and are used for supervised learning.
neural network architectures differ from " normal " nueral networks because they have more hidden layers . One special difference is that deep learning Algorithmns can work Supervised or Unsupervised .
Deep Learning differe from "normal" neural networks, in that they have multiple HIDDEN layerrs and are used for Un
Application Conv Nets : Style Transfer, Manifold Transfer (Faceswap) ,
Application of Recurrent Neural Networks _ Generating Images and sound, generate Text, generate a picture from text , Force Estimation for Robitic Operation OP Arms, Visual Question Answering
Genaral Adversarial Networks (GANS ) applications : Super Resolution, image post processing, image generation,
Deep Reinforcement Learning Applications : Video Game Playing Ai'S (GO, Doom Bot, Atari Bot),
can be used for maximizing variance in Data, but also for Dimensionality reduction or finding a fitting line for the data
When dimensionality of data is too high to visualize it in 3 Dimensional space, we can reduce dimensions by using PCA
The variance between the data will be maximized, by projecting the data in another lover dimensional space.
PCA can be defined as the orthogonal projection of the data onto a lower Dimensional linear space, known as the pricipal subspace. The projection must be in a way, such that the variance of the projhected data is maximized.
Es wird in die Daten die Linie einzezeichnet, die die Maximale Varianz zu den Daten hat.
For some uses Cases PCA does not make since, for example for data with non-negative (only positive data)
PCA fails data sets that are strictly positive , like Text data, Image Data, Probabiistic data
Applications: Face Recognition, news learning from bag of words
How to Choose Hyperparameter K ? Choose K with least instable Clusterings! in supervised scenarios we could use cross-validation to optimize hyper-parameters, now we cant, magic number tryout!.
Applications : Pulse Code Modulation, Geyser Eruptions,
Buid a classification boundary with a line.