Fingerprint extraction of electrical appliances
Documentation about extration of Fingerpints of electrical Home devices
What is the goal?
Currently it is not possible to detect how much energy is consumed by each device in a houshold. The first step in optimizing the energy usage of homes is being able to tell which device consumes how much energy and making intelligent decisions based on that.
So we want to detect the energy consumption of individual devices in a household.
How do we plan on doing that?
In paper proposed by <link> they achieved what we want to do, what they did is the following ..
The basic overview of the steps :
A smart Meter device is used to collect electrical consumption data
Smart Meter data preprocessing
Transition detection
Fingerprint extraction
Model training and detection
A bit more detailed overview
Collected Data is preprocesed to generate the clean training data
Transitions are learned from that data
Based on where the Transitions are located(?), the Fingerprints of the devices are learnt
The Fingerprints are feed to a classification algorithm, which will be able to detect the energy consumed by a appliance
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